Did you know you can have FloorElf’s minions send you updates when he does something worthwhile? Granted, that isn’t very often, but we can let you know when it happens!

Just fill out the form below with your name and email address and when he publishes a new blog post, runs a sale, gets arrested, or any number of funny or useful things we’ll shoot you a quick email to let you know where to go, how to get it or what to laugh at.

The FloorElf (and his representative minions) do not send spam! When you sign up you will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. This simply ensures that your drunk buddy doesn’t sign you up for stuff you don’t want. (And if he’s signing you up for tile updates to get back at you for something you really should teach him how to be an asshole – because he sucks at it…just sayin’)

We also do not inundate your emailbox (yes – it’s a word damnit!) with tons of email like those Nigerian princes who want to get their millions out of the country directly to you. We only send regular updates once a week whether FloorElf writes one post or ten. We know you’re busy, unless the information is time-sensitive we’ll leave you alone.

So sign up and get ready to be mildly amused on a regular basis!

First Name:
Your Email Address: